Exhibition #6 in Cologne, Germany (November 2022)

Open Print Exchange Show in Cologne, Germany at Kölner Graphikwerkstatt.

Where: Kölner Graphikwerkstatt, Im Sionstal 17, 50678 Cologne, Germany
Duration: 25. November 2022 – 30. January 2023
Number of prints shown: 99

Open Print Exchange Exhibition in Cologne, Germany at Kölner Graphikwerkstatt.

Open Print Exchange Exhibition in Cologne, Germany at Kölner Graphikwerkstatt.

Open Print Exchange Exhibition in Cologne, Germany at Kölner Graphikwerkstatt.

Open Print Exchange Exhibition in Cologne, Germany at Kölner Graphikwerkstatt.

Many thanks to Kölner Graphikwerkstatt for hosting this exhibition.