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"catching a new wave" by Yvonne Brunotte

"catching a new wave" by Yvonne Brunotte

Yvonne Brunotte
"catching a new wave"

Location: Hamburg, Germany
Technique: linocut, mixed media
Print Number: 964

coming from a graphic design and photography background, exploring new creative processes and techniques for me is like catching a new wave...exciting, a bit scary, diving into the unknown, making mistakes, ruining the kitchen table in the process and eventually learning how to breathe under water. this was my first endeavour into linocutting (since school about 45 years ago) and on OPP's 3D printed press. i have cut other plates and printed with them since, but decided to use my original first experiment for the OPE, because it represents best what this is about.

Seen in the following exhibitions:

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