This linocut print, titled "Lil Friend" by Berlin Perez, showcases a black snail on white paper. The image features a stylized snail with a prominent shell and antennae, printed in bold black lines against a crisp white background. The simplicity of the design allows for a clear focus on the subject, making it easy to appreciate the intricate details of the snail's form.

"Lil Friend" by Berlin Perez

Berlin Perez
"Lil Friend"

Location: Texas, USA
Technique: relief print
Social Media: @octolin
Print Number: 784

The inspiration for this piece was to start off the new year with fun and positive vibes. I had several ambitious ideas at first but I was having a rough time seeing them thru or didn’t like the end results much until I was overcome with indecision and self doubt. I decided to take a step back and take it easy on myself instead, so I carved a lil snail friend to accompany me thru the creative block. I’ll keep some of the extra prints around of these lil snail friends as a reminder that it’s ok to slow down and just enjoy the process instead of focusing on the end results.

Seen in the following exhibitions: