"Crossroads" by Mary Hardy
"Crossroads" by Mary Hardy
Mary Hardy
Location: Yorkshire, England
Technique: woodcut
Social Media: @_from_mary
Print Number: 963
When I was made homeless at 16, this was the location of my first home alone. Eventually I became a Christian here, and was baptised at a church here. In my 20s, I volunteered at a homeless shelter in this place, and met my husband. Eventually, my husband and I moved back to this location to shared our first home alone together. Later we shared the home with our first child (who is with us through an SGO). In my 30s, it's become the location my husband has questioned leaving the marriage, and we find ourselves at a crossroads in life. The first gift my husband gave me was a wooden frame with a map of these crossroads inside (at the time, meant as a 'placeholder' before another image could be added). Who knew that through the years these crossroads would be so full of memories, and who knows how much is yet to come.
Seen in the following exhibitions: