"Karl-O.s Baum des Lebens - Karl-Os Tree of Life" by Ole Haas

"Karl-O.s Baum des Lebens - Karl-Os Tree of Life" by Ole Haas

Ole Haas
"Karl-O.s Baum des Lebens - Karl-Os Tree of Life"

Location: Auf dem Bohm, Gummersbach / Bonn, Germany
Technique: blind embossing
Social Media: @owl.hare
Print Number: 605

Leaf of the oak whose stem saved my 10 years old grandfather's life in 1943 from an attacking aircraft. Today he is 90 and has a wife, 4 children, 13 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren and a big circle of friends all over the world. He still enjoys "being on the journey together", spreading "the most beautiful greeting in the world: shalom" (meaning peace, harmony, wholeness and used idiomatically to mean both hello and goodbye).

Seen in the following exhibitions: