This vibrant linocut print, titled "Komorebi" by Martha Schlegel, showcases a stunning display of light filtering through trees. The artwork features an abstract composition in a palette of blue and black hues, evoking a sense of natural beauty and serenity.

"Komorebi" by Martha Schlegel

Martha Schlegel

Location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Technique: linocut
Social Media: @cenoura.prints
Print Number: 200

This two layer relief print is called 'Komorebi'. This Japanese word refers to the beautiful effect that sunlight pouring through the trees in a forest has as it creates a beautiful interplay between light and shadow. This applies also to the marine environment, in this particular case to a kelp forest. For me this effect symbolises both the magic and fragility of nature. I believe we should understand both as a motivation to protect our precious planet.

Seen in the following exhibitions: