"Leaves" by Valentina Grubacevic (valnaa.a)

"Leaves" by Valentina Grubacevic (valnaa.a)

Valentina Grubacevic (valnaa.a)

Location: Osijek, Croatia
Technique: linocut
Social Media: @valnaa.a
Website: https://valentinagrubacevic.blogspot.com/
Print Number: 816

Inspiration on nature. Printed on transparent rice paper to present gentlesnes and calmnes. Background paper of the print can be in another color because of transparent rice paper print in that way can change the ambience of the work. Little process video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnfVGJyPxVz/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=

Seen in the following exhibitions: