This print, titled "Lemon Pig" by Amye St John, showcases a whimsical illustration of an anthropomorphic lemon pig. The artwork employs TetraPak techniques to create a unique visual effect. The subject is depicted in shades of yellow and green, with subtle texture details suggesting the use of layered materials.

"Lemon pig" by Amye St John

Amye St John
"Lemon pig"

Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Technique: TetraPak
Social Media: @Lemonkiwiblue
Print Number: 46

Lemon Pigs are an obscure New Years Tradition that was thought up by a aluminium foil company. They are easy to put together and tend to be charming additions to New Years celebrations. They are thought to bring luck and prosperity. I like to make Lemon Pigs throughout the year as companions through hard times. I hope you also find a little joy, luck and prosperity with this tiny addition.

Seen in the following exhibitions: