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"Nebular Explosion" by Carl Basdeo

"Nebular Explosion" by Carl Basdeo

Carl Basdeo
"Nebular Explosion"

Location: Millbury, MA, USA
Technique: wood engraving
Social Media: @cabfareplz
Print Number: 1041

Collapse of a star to form a new nebula, spewing material outwards and pulling finer space dust inwards. Definitely not rooted in actual space physics, but it was a lot of fun to make. It started out as an engraving doodle and evolved into this final print. I was quite surprised at how well the fine markings for the space dust showed up in the final print. This is my third wood engraving attempt and I'm really enjoying the amount of detail that could be added! Wood: Maple Ink: Speedball Professional Relief Ink, Supergraphic Black Paper: Awagami Press: Open Press printed at home!

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