"Untitled" by Julia Graham Mesnikoff
"Untitled" by Julia Graham Mesnikoff
Julia Graham Mesnikoff
Location: Dumfries, Scotland
Technique: linocut
Social Media: @jgm1970
Print Number: 152
This is a reduction linocut of fireworks. Reduction linocuts print multiple colors from the same plate, usually working from lightest to darkest. For this one, I cut away tiny areas I wanted to print white, rolled the block with yellowy-orange, and printed it. Then I carved away the areas I wanted to remain either white OR yellowy-orange, rolled the block with magenta, and printed it on top of the previous print. Finally I carved away the areas I wanted to remain white or yellowy-orange or magenta, rolled it with phthalo blue, and printed it. The phthalo blue combined with the underlying colors gave me a darker, richer night-sky color.
Seen in the following exhibitions: