The artwork "Untitled" by Matina showcases a distinctive blue circle with a black design at its center, featuring a stylized face and geometric patterns. The artist's signature, "Matina22," is discreetly placed in the bottom-right corner of the print.

"untitled" by Matina


Location: Bègles, France
Technique: linocut
Social Media: @atelier_matina
Print Number: 353

Description of the print : This untitled print is a part of « Masked statuettes », a series of linocut, whose title refers to the Menhir Statues of the Fenaille Museum in Rodez, France, which moved me a lot during a visit in 2019. Then my research opened on other Venus or primitive feminine and animal representations throughout the world for which I feel a kind of fascination for their expressivity. The "Masked Statuettes" are like reminiscences of another time, reminiscences of childhood or coming from a forgotten crossbreeding. I consider this series as an ode to the sacred feminine and to fertility. Artist statement: My graphic work is inspired by the human animal, the plant world, the mineral world and the invisible. I sketche, take notes and photograph details that make my senses wriggle. Then I classifie, downgrade, combine, compile and purifie by drawing with a « clear line ». I trie to breathe a joyful strangeness to my pictures.

Seen in the following exhibitions: