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"Wucherblume" by Juliana Steca

"Wucherblume" by Juliana Steca

Juliana Steca

Location: Landau in der Pfalz
Technique: linocut
Social Media: @mantouprint
Print Number: 734

This linocut is printed on paper from the book "aus Wald und Flur" (from forest and field) from 1937. My brother, who found this book on his attic, gifted it to me. He thought maybe I could use it one day. I found the title of the print "Wucherblume" in this book while cutting the paper. I liked the sound of that word, the direct translation means "rampant growing flower". It is the german term for usury flowers. And you can even find the word "Wucherblume" on one of the prints, if you read closely, maybe you can find it.

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